restaurant trends


   Why Boutique Hotels should have a Great restaurant

Your hotel can be super cool, well-decorated, in a great location, and have lots of interesting amenities, but it will always come down to the personality and charm of your food and beverage operations that will develop loyal and passionate followers.


Let’s look at what a boutique hotel is, who stays there, and why?  A boutique hotel is typically smaller--under 200 rooms.  It is often in an urban environment, although not always [there are many wonderful boutique resorts], with each hotel having individual personality, including chic, eclectic, and interesting décor and features that make the experience different.  The service tends to be individualized and more connected, where small differentiators and points of service make it stand out.




   10 Reasons why your Hotel Needs a Great Restaurant

10 reasons why you want to have a great restaurant in your great hotel!


Many folks spend many hours discussing the virtues of having a great restaurant in your hotel. Here are my top ten reasons to support having great Food and Beverage venues:



1.         Charisma - It gives your hotel personality, it is the face of your hotel, and is brings life to your hotel, it makes it more than just a square box with rooms!


2.         Revenue -  Food and Beverage can add substantial revenue to your operation. Many successful hotel restaurants produce more F&B revenue than Rooms revenue. I understand it is not as profitable; however, if you go into it with the right mindset, it can definitely deliver great results.




   What happened to Sunday Brunch?

Why has Sunday brunch disappeared in many of our great hotels and resorts?

The answer must be the profitability. Too often we are focused on trying to make sure that each event that we do contributes and is a profit center for the hotel while we should be looking at the big picture of what the food and beverage venues bring to the hotel.

F&B should be the face (the personality) of the hotel: one that makes each visit a memorable one, not a dull and uninspired meal where the guests eat out of necessity!  Dining out in your restaurant should be an experience, not a necessity. If we have pride and excitement about what we do, this will reflect on their experience and will result in having busy, lively, and memorable places for our guests to eat, drink, and be merry!


   It's all about the Sizzle!

Why do patrons go back to restaurants? Why do they recommend to their friends and post on social media? What does it really take to make a restaurant great? Sometimes it can be the food, often the service, and usually the atmosphere. More often than not, it is a combination of all of the above, sprinkled with a little extra SIZZLE!

Sizzle is what helps a restaurant stand apart from others and be successful! Let’s try to define Sizzle. If you review the trendy and popular restaurants, you will find that they all have something in common - that little special something, magic, or Sizzle, that makes all the difference.

Take the art world, for example. You can look at a painting, one that has lots of good qualities, is accurately painted, has a great background, has good color, depth, and even nice highlights, but it can be missing that magic that makes it pop! It can even be missing some of those qualities. But, if it has the Sizzle, it can make up for some shortcomings because it has something that sets it apart from the crowd.


   Getting Culinary & Service Teams United

Before you begin

Where to begin? The first thing to do before you even think about training is to evaluate where you are, and where, and what, you want to be, as a restaurant. Then, create the vision and roadmap with steps to get to that vision. Try to be clear in what it is that you really want your team to work on and the steps that will bring you closer to that goal. Only then can you start the journey to making that vision a reality.

 It’s not as easy as it sounds, though. First, let’s take a look at what you want your restaurant to be.

Answer these questions. Describe your service vision [there is no right or wrong]

a.    Casual                         …..1…..2…..3…..4…..5…..      Formal

b.    Approachable             …..1…..2…..3…..4…..5…..      Reserved

c.    Know the basics         …..1…..2…..3…..4…..5…..      Knowledgeable

d.    Get it out fast              …..1…..2…..3…..4…..5…..     Leisurely

e.    Jeans & T-shirt           …..1…..2…..3…..4…..5…..      Jacket & Tie

f.     Fun & Sassy …..1…..2…..3…..4…..5…..      Mad Scientist

g.    Grandma’s House      …..1…..2…..3…..4…..5….. Emily Post Book of Etiquette

Just a little fun to get you to think about what your vision really is! Many restaurants start training without giving it much thought. Write down the vision of what your restaurant will be.



   What's HOT in 2017

What to expect in Food & Beverage - Let’s look at the trends


Cuisine – We seeing movement from overly manipulated food to simpler, cleaner preparations with lighter food, maintaining flavors that are bold and edgy. Here are a few trends we will see more of:


·      Chef-centered concepts


·      Locally sourced, but not necessarily organic or health foods


·      Reasonable portions – walk away satiated, but you can still walk!


·      Underutilized meats and seafood – rebirthed with sexier names


·      Exotic grains and seeds

